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Hunterdon Cou
nty Federated Republican Women
Kate Hughes, Chair



Hunterdon County Federated Republican Women


The Hunterdon County Federated Republican Women (HCFRW) experienced a re-birth in 2014. Our members are busy, active women, and the HCFRW gives them the opportunity to network and share information concerning their political interests. Our Facebook page and our website offer them updated news to keep well informed.

Our members also have memberships to the New Jersey Federation of Republican Women (NJFRW) and the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), and are encouraged to participate in their events.

Our meetings have consisted of speakers in different political positions within the county to share their knowledge of government and the political process.

By taking a Republican leadership position, we support the election of Republican candidates, and promote our present and future Republican women in Hunterdon County by supplying financial aid and moral support.

The HCFRW gives our members a voice in governmental decisions that affect all of us, and we encourage our daughters, daughters-in-law, nieces, granddaughters, and sisters to join us as they will carry forth the ideals of the Republican Party of low taxes, small government and the importance of the family unit now and into the future.

Men who adhere to the Republican values are welcome to become associate members.

Please check our website for meeting updates, and join us! There is always a place for YOU at our table.


Kate Hughes 


P.O. Box 455
Belle Mead, NJ 08502


©  2024 Paid for by the

 New Jersey Federation   of Republican Women

 "NJFRW" Janet Linnus,

 Treasurer Alexa Palmieri Treasurer-elect POB 455

 Belle Mead, NJ 08502

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